Pump combiners, isolators and high power accessories
LightComm provides cost effective solutions based on Fused Fiber Couplers, PLC, CWDM/DWDM Filters, EDFA, Pump Combiners, Isolators, PM fiber components, connectors and integrated modules technologies.
Pump combiners
Nx1 pump combiners:
- 2×1 (pump 105/125 0.15 NA; output 105/125 0.22NA)
- 7×1 (pump 105/125 0.15NA; output 220/242 0.22NA) – S2
- 7×1 (pump 105/125 0.15 NA; output 220/242 0.22NA) – S1
- 7×1 (pump 220/242 0.22NA; output 20/400 DCF)
- 7×1 (pump 200/220 0.22NA; output 20/400 DCF)
- 3×1/7×1 pump combiner (105/125 0.22NA)
- 3×1 / 19×1 pump combiner (105/125 0.22NA)
- 7×1 /19×1 pump combiner (105/125 0.15NA 200/220.220/240.400.440)
- 7×1 /19×1 pump combiner (105/125 0.15NA x/125.10/200.25/250.20/400
(N+1)x1 pump combiners
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA HI1060 or 6-125
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA HI1060 or 6-125 25.30-250 25-50 W)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 10-125 10/12/20-125)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 10-125 25/30-250)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 12-125 12/15/20-125)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 12-125 25.30-250)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 15-125 15.20-125)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 15-125 25.30-250)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 20-125 15.20-125)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 20-125 25.30-250)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA-0.22NA 25.30-250 25.30-250)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 200-220 0.22NA 20-400 20-400)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 200-220 0.22NA 25-250 25-250)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 200-220 0.22NA 30-250 30-250)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 200/220 or 220/242 0.22NA; signal x/250DCF; output x/250DCF)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 200/220 or 220/242 0.22NA; signal x/400DCF; output x/400DCF)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (1550 105-125 0.15-0.22NA 28e. 1550GDF.8-125)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (2000 105-125 0.22NA 6-125 6-125)
- (2×1)x1 pump combiner (2000 200-220 0.22NA 25-400 25-400)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (105-125 0.15NA 6-125 or HI1060)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA 10-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA 12-125 12-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA 15-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA 20-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.22NA 6-125 or HI1060)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.22NA 10-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.22NA 12-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.22NA 15-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.22NA 20-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 200/220 or 220/242 0.22NA; signal x-250 or x-400, pump 20/400 25/400)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 220-242 0.22NA 20-400)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1550 105-125 0.15NA 28e.1550GDF.8-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (1550 105-125 0.22NA 28e.1550GDF.8-125)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (2000 105-125 0.15NA 0.22NA 6-125 25-400)
- (6×1)x1 pump combiner (2000 200-220 0.22NA 25-400 25-400)
- (18×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.22NA 6-125 HI1060)
- (18×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.15NA 6-125 HI1060)
- (18×1)x1 pump combiner (1064 105-125 0.22NA 20-125 20-400)
Special combiners:
- Active (2+1)x1 combiner
See all products on manufacturer’s website: LightComm pump combiners

High power isolators
1330 nm and 1550 nm isolators:
- High power (non-PM or PM) isolators 1310 nm or 1550 nm
10xx isolators:
- 100 W high power polarization maintaining in-line isolators
- 300 mW 1064 nm in-line dual isolators
- Compact 2 W 1064 nm in-line isolators
- 500 mW 1064 nm in-line isolator+BPF
- PM 1060 nm in-line isolators + TAP
- Free space isolators
- High power fiber in & free space out isolators
- High power expanded beam isolators
- High power in-line isolators
- 500 mW 10xx in-line isolators
Special wavelength isolators:
- High power in-line isolator with tap
- 1040 nm – 1080 nm high power in-line isolators
- 780 nm – 890 nm high power in-line isolators
- 900 nm – 1030 nm high power in-line isolators
See all products on manufacturer’s website: LightComm high power isolators

High power accessories
- Fiber end cap
- 780 nm – 890 nm PM circulators
- High power narrow band filters
- Single LightComm high power laser cable
- 980 nm – 1060 nm high power PM circulators
- High power laser cable
- 1943 nm FBG
- Dual LightComm high power laser cable
- Laser pilot 655 / 1064 WDM
- 10xx high power tap coupler
- Cladding power strippers (CPS)
- High power collimators
- Narrow band pass filter
- Waterless LightComm high power laser cable
- High power couplers
- Mode field adaptors (MFA) – backward version
- Mode field adaptors (MFA) – forward version
- Fiber coupled acoustic-optic modulator
- 10xx isolators
See all products on manufacturer’s website: LightComm high power accessories