Active Optical Fibers

CorActive offers wide range of active and passive fibers that are used for such applications as fiber lasers, optical amplifiers, and ASE sources.  CorActive active fiber offering ranges from Ytterbium (Yb) and Erbium (Er) doped fiber to Erbium/Ytterbium (EY) and Thulium (Tm) fibers, and they come with different configurations to meet specific applications and customer requirements. Other dopants such as Neodymium, Thulium / Holmium, or Samarium are also available.

Ytterbium Doped Fibers

Ytterbium doped fibers are used for operation around 1 micron.  CorActive offers a full range of Yb doped fibers for many industrial, scientific and medical applications. CorActive’s Yb doped double clad fibers offer high doping concentrations and high QCE values that ensure minimum fiber length, minimum pump power and reduced non-linearities. CorActive offers passive fibers that are matched to CorActive active fibers and other industry standards.

See all products on manufacturer’s website: CorActive Ytterbium doped fibers


Erbium Doped Fibers

Erbium doped fibers are used for operation around 1.5 microns.  Erbium fibers are mainly used to build telecom EDFA amplifiers.  Erbium doped fibers may also be used for “eye-safe” fiber laser applications.

See all products on manufacturer’s website: CorActive Erbium doped fibers


Erbium/Ytterbium co-doped fibers

Ytterbium sensitized Erbium co-doped fibers are used for operation around 1.5 microns for application such as eye-safe fiber lasers or high-power EDFA amplifiers. CorActive’s Er/Yb co-doped fibers are particularly attractive due to their highly efficient energy transfer that makes them one of the most efficient Er/Yb doped fiber solution available on the market.

See all products on manufacturer’s website: CorActive Erbium/Ytterbium co-doped fibers


Thulium Doped Fibers

Thulium doped fibers are used for operation around 2 microns. Thulium fibers are used for “eye-safe” fiber laser applications. CorActive thulium doped fibers are specifically designed for either pulsed or CW applications.

​See all products on manufacturer’s website: CorActive Thulium doped fibers


Other Rare-Earth Doped Fibers

CorActive also offers other dopants such as Neodymium, Thulium / Holmium, or Samarium.

​See all products on manufacturer’s website: CorActive other doped fibers