Modelling and Simulations of Rare Earth Doped Fibers, Amplifiers and Lasers

Accurate models and powerful simulation tools are critical elements to increase the speed-to-market and reduce cost for new fiber based products. More in-depth analysis is presented in this article from Photonics Spectra.
Our advanced doped fiber models includes:
- Singlemode and multimode beam propagation
- Bidirectional propagation
- Double cladding structure
- Real beam profile
- User-defined refractive index and doping profiles
- Ions clustering effects
- Fiber bending effects
- Brillouin and Raman scattering thresholds
A broad range of models for passive components and laser sources are also available: WDMs, couplers, isolators, fiber Bragg gratings, filters, attenuators, connectors, etc.
Out simulation capability includes:
- 3D+time calculation for optical powers and inversion levels inside the active fibers
- Any system topology
- Calculation of optical powers in any point of the system for bidirectional beams.
- Iterative calculations
- Monte Carlo analysis